Emotional & Physical Abuse in a BG Gym: The Complaint That Achieved…Nothing

What follows is a complaint letter sent to the Ethics & Welfare Officer at British Gymnastics in 2015. It paints a vivid and disturbing picture of life in an abusive gym. It was written within days of the children being withdrawn. Further incidents were provided in follow up emails along with the full contact details …

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Call for an Independent Investigation into British Gymnastics

Below is letter sent March 6 2020 to MP, Emily Thornbury, detailing the need for both an independent investigation into the culture at British Gymnastics and the establishment of a similarly independent sports ombudsman. Currently, parents (remember that many victims in sport abuse are young children) and athletes have nowhere to turn when the system …

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Gymnastics: Physical Abuse, Witnessing Abuse and the Futility of Complaining

We’ve been talking a lot about gymnastics the past few days and I asked one of my daughters what her worst gym memory was, wondering which of the awful things that I knew she’d endured she might choose. She surprised me though, and immediately picked something that happened not to her, but to her teammate. …

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Coercive Control of Children in Gymnastics

Thanks to campaigning groups such as Women’s Aid, domestic abuse in the form of coercive control was made illegal in 2015. This legislation brought adult women, suffering in emotionally abusive relationships, greater recognition, protection and potentially the opportunity for redress. The campaign and subsequent legislation highlighted the fact that abuse needn’t be overtly physical in …

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